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How they are handling COVID-19

Impactor #1: What has the financial impact COVID-19 been on the local business since March 15, 2020?

Business #1: “Thankfully COVID-19 did not really negatively affect my business when it comes to sales. My sales were actually a lot better during the past three months than they have been in a long time. The small negative impact would be the store not allowing customers to come in because we were not operating. We are a buy, sell, trade so it was a bit tougher to source inventory from customers who sell to us regularly. Thankfully because of the internet market it was easy to still acquire inventory but just pay a small amount more for the items I needed to purchase."

Business #2: Beyond Fitness has been experiencing cash flow shortages since they closed on March 15. Beyond fitness lost a lot of revenue after their clients and gym members couldn’t come in anymore due to COVID-19. The impact of COVID-19 has been very severe on the business considering they lost four months of income. The business lost 25 k a month in revenue. 

Impactor #2:

What are the ways the business has responded, pivoted/innovated to stay in business?

Business #1: “Months before this pandemic started I made sure to move a lot of inventory to an online eBay store. I have been doing this for years but lately we have been adding a lot more inventory to it daily. This definitely helped with sales during this time considering we couldn't be open for customers to browse in-store.”

Business #2: They have created personal online workout sessions over zoom in order to stay in business and active. This is a survival method to earn money and train their clients virtually. Plan to keep virtual online classes for people with fear of the corona virus and feel that they’re unsafe outside. 

Impactor #3: What other local businesses or networks has the business found a support network with?

Business #1: “Since i currently am a Caldwell resident I always try to support the small businesses in the area. When it comes to food I tried to support Sam's Bagels, Benji Tacoria, Diesel and Duke, Dave's Delicious Deli, Spring Garden Chinese Food, Caldwell Diner, Tony Ds Pizzeria etc. During these times I figured it was hard for some of these establishments to continue to be open.”

Business #2: It’s beyond fitness has partnered with Gym source to get all their equipment. Their go to support/ essential businesses at this time are a lot of clients and companies in the same building as them.

Impactor #4: What has the local community support/initiatives response been to date?

Business #1: “The community has always been supportive in one way or another. Social Media definitely always helps when it comes to allowing customers and the community to contact us." 

Business #2: The township of the Livingston community  posts online to help business and gear them towards a business application and dates for when the business can get another loan. 

Impactor #5: What impact has COVID-19 owners, employees & families (personally)?

Business #1: “COVID-19 sadly changed everything. In particular for me, family. Since it began due to risk concerns I haven't been able to hang out with any of my family. Sadly my Grandparents have been locked into Quarantine in their nursing homes which has really been an upsetting situation considering I loved to stop by and see them as many times as I can. Even to date I still cant go inside and see them." 

Business #2: COVID-19 has impacted the families of It’s Beyond Fitness greatly. They have to separate from loved ones due to one’s  health risks. They’re not dealing with any illness during this time, but a few of their friends have passed from COVID-19.

Impactor #6: What has the business done to protect employees from COVID-19 and how has that process changed?

Business #1: “Owner only one working there currently.” The business closed to protect its employees from the virus.

Business #2: New uniforms or work gear are not needed to be purchased. Only allowing one trainer to train at a time. Limiting the quantity of people in the gym to 1-5. Use plexiglass to create a clear barrier between clients working out. Yes, temperature checks are mandatory for all employees and customers. 

Impactor #7: What government/SBA programs, loans, grants did the business apply for?  Did the business qualify for any?  Describe the process.

Business #1: “ As a business thankfully I wasn't badly financially affected, because of this I did not try to take advantage of any loans, or grants, etc." 

Business #2: This process was quite overwhelming for the owners because they’ve owned the gym for over 20 years and never expected their company to be in months worth of debt and filing for government loans.. It’s Beyond Fitness applied for the NJEDL and the PPP loan to help the business financially recover. The loan money will greatly help with debt.

Impactor #8: What is the business’ plan to fully reopen and is there a tentative date set?

Business #1:“Top Shelf Kicks is finally allowed to open on 6/15 like all other non essential businesses. Currently thinking about a date that we want to schedule for our opening. The store will need to be switched around a bit and ready for a new normal when it comes to browsing. Sadly we will only allow a small number of people at a time and most likely everyone who enters will have to wear some sort of nose and mouth covering.”

Business #2: Beyond fitness will reopen the first week in July. The building owner stands in their way from opening up again until it's ok to do so. Governor Murphy has to allow for the reopen of gyms in order for Beyond Fitness to open. There will be a limited number of people in the gym and people will have to be spread out from each other. 

Financial Impacts: Text
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